Contact Lens Users Must Know the Risks

Eyes are the window to the soul that exudes its own charm. Therefore, some people are reluctant to hide it behind glasses. Contact lenses are an alternative choice to help vision while beautifying eyes. However, do you know the risks that lurk contact lens users? Contact lens users are indeed potentially infected with bacteria, fungi, or other microbes. However, that does not mean you have to be hostile to contact lenses. Contact lenses are one of the safest medical devices when used responsibly. The following are some things to consider before wearing contact lenses.
  • You should consult with an eye doctor first. Choose the type of contact lens that best suits your needs, comfort and direction from your doctor. In general, there are two types of contact lenses, including:
  • Soft Contact Lenses

    As the name suggests, this type of lens is soft and flexible so it is comfortable to use. However, soft lenses are more fragile and need to be cleaned more often than hard lenses because they are made of silicone hydrogel, which is a type of soft plastic that is able to absorb a lot of water.

    Hard Contact Lenses

    In contrast to soft lenses, hard lenses have a stiffer and harder form, but provide sharper vision. In addition, this lens has pores that allow oxygen to reach the cornea. This can reduce problems caused when the cornea does not get enough oxygen. These contact lenses are usually not sold freely on the market, but at the eye doctor or special eye clinic. The price is relatively more expensive.
  • Take care of your contact lenses by maintaining cleanliness, both when using and storing. Pay attention to the lens usage instructions. In addition, keep your hands clean by washing your hands before and after installing contact lenses.
  • If you want to dress up, you should wear contact lenses first.
  • Remove contact lenses before going to bed and before swimming to reduce the risk of irritation and infection.
  • Avoid smoking, because smokers are more at risk of developing eye infections when using contact lenses.
  • Don't share contact lenses with other people.
  • Change your contact lenses regularly according to doctor's instructions or the rules for using your contact lens brand.
  • Wash and clean your contact lenses regularly with the right cleaning fluid.
  • Do not reuse cleaning liquid that has been used or already
  • Clean the contact lens holder regularly with a brush and contact lens liquid.
  • Do not clean contact lenses with saliva or tap water.
If you experience symptoms of eye irritation or infection, take the following steps:
  • Remove eye contact lenses immediately. Store contact lenses in the correct and clean place.
  • Go to an ophthalmologist to get the right diagnosis and the right treatment.

What are the Risks of Using Contact Lenses?

If you do not treat contact lens hygiene properly, the wearer will be at greater risk of infection and other eye disorders. Here are some conditions and things that need to be considered by contact lens users.


    This condition is characterized by the outermost layer of the eye that turns red. Conjunctivitis or 'red eye' can be caused by bacterial infection or irritation from contact lenses. In addition to red, the eyes also become watery


    Keratitis is inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye. The causes include minor injuries due to prolonged contact lens use, bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infections due to improper contact lens cleaning processes. Using contact lenses continuously, while swimming or using water to clean contact lenses can increase the risk of developing keratitis. Symptoms of keratitis are red eyes, sore, difficult to open the eyelids, blurred vision, sensitive to light, and feel like there is something in the eye. If not treated promptly, keratitis can lead to permanent visual impairment or even blindness.

    Dry Eye Syndrome

    Using contact lenses for too long, or being in a room with a cooler, and ignoring the instructions for using contact lenses can trigger dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is a common condition when the eyes do not produce enough tears, or they dry out too quickly. This triggers inflammation and irritation in the eye. At a non-serious stage, you can give eye drops. But at a serious stage, you might need medical attention. This condition can occur in both eyes and has the following symptoms:
  • Red eye.
  • The eyes feel dry, sandy, or the pain worsens throughout the day.
  • Blurred vision can improve when you wink.
  • Difficult to open eyes when you wake up.
  • Corneal Abrasion

    Dirty contact lenses can cause corneas to scratch or abrasion. This causes severe and uncomfortable pain. If not treated immediately can cause permanent impairment of vision.
If you are not suitable to use contact lenses, you should not force yourself. Wear glasses that fit your eye's needs and comfort. In addition, always maintain eye health by eating foods that contain lots of vitamins for the eyes, and get enough rest.


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